brazilian jiu-jitsu
Gracie Academy Berlin
Welcome to Gracie Academy Berlin, home to hundreds of athletes under the expert guidance of head coach and second degree black belt Felipe Cançado and his team. Our school is more than a training ground; it's a community dedicated to growth and camaraderie. Whether you're a seasoned competitor or a beginner, our inclusive and supportive environment welcomes all. Experience the unique blend of tradition and innovation at Gracie Academy Berlin, where every roll is an opportunity to learn, grow, and embrace the BJJ lifestyle.

Was ist gracie bjj
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu entstand im frühen 20. Jahrhundert, seine Wurzeln liegen jedoch im viel älteren japanischen Jiu-Jitsu. Der Brasilianer Helio Gracie ist bis heute berühmt dafür, diese klassische japanische Kampfkunst umgewandelt zu haben.
Seitdem Helio Gracie das Fundament für BJJ gelegt hat, hat es sich die Großfamilie Gracie zur Aufgabe gemacht die Kunst immer weiter zu entwickeln. Heute gibt es auf der ganzen Welt hunderte von BJJ Schulen viele davon immer noch von Mitgliedern der Gracie Familie geführt.
Unser Headcoach Felipe Cançado war selbst Schüler einer Gracie Akademie in Rio de Janeiro und hat sich vor einigen Jahren mit Fenriz zusammengeschlossen um die erste offiziele Gracie Akademie in Berlin zu eröffnen.

BJJ Basics
Dive into the fundamentals of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with our BJJ Basics classes at Gracie Academy Berlin. In a session of 60 minutes, you'll start with a thorough warm-up, followed by focused technique instruction, and a few sparring rounds towards the end where you can test the newly learned techniques in a friendly but more challenging environment. Designed to cater to all skill levels, beginners ease into sparring after participating in 3-4 classes, ensuring a gradual and supportive introduction to the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
bjj intermediate
Step up your game with Gracie Academy Berlin's BJJ Intermediate classes. Tailored for those with at least 3 months of consistent training and an understanding of fundamental techniques and positions. Engage in a dynamic warm-up, delve into more advanced techniques during the instructional phase, and cap it off with sparring at the end of class. Elevate your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu journey by refining your skills and expanding your repertoire to get ready for the next level on the mats.

bjj advanced
For our advanced BJJ classes you need a minimum of 6 months of consistent training at our academy or at least 2 stripes. These sessions delve deep into the intricacies of BJJ. Focused on advanced techniques and entire chains of both defensive and offensive moves, our advanced curriculum challenges and refines your skills. Be prepared for more intensive drills and sparring sessions at a higher pace to increase both your physical and psychological resilience.
BJJ Kids
At Gracie Academy Berlin, our Kids Classes cater to different age groups, including 5-7 year olds, 8-11 year olds, and teens aged 12-15. Designed as a playful introduction to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, these classes lay the foundation for a lifelong journey of BJJ. Why should kids embrace BJJ? Beyond physical fitness, BJJ instills self esteem, resilience, problem-solving, and self-discipline. Join us as we empower young minds through the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.







Trial Training
You want to try out a free training session with us? No problem! Just come by during our regular opening hours and talk to our team at the desk.
There, we'll advise you, find a suitable date together, and give you a tour of the gym.
Please note that due to high demand, we can rarely offer same-day appointments. For additional useful information about your trial training, please visit our Helpcenter.